Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mother's Day

NASA takes some pretty photos.

For my first Mothers Day, I received a fantail pigeon.
This year I received an early present, a telescope!

...However, I am yet to receive flowers.

Having said that, I am now the proud owner of a telescope. I've been wanting one for a while, so when my partner saw it on sale, he quickly snapped it up without hesitation. It's a novice telescope, which is fantastic for me as I don't know too much about stars, but I have the interest. I can always get a bigger one / more expensive one if the interest stays.
I'm getting my mother a framed picture of my son and myself. She's been at me for a while to get one, so it fits nicely into Mothers Day, if she's lucky I'll get her a little something else as well. I'm still a little resentful after last years Mothers Day when I brought her a heap of luxuries and she didn't like any of it.

Urban Geekery is slowly becoming more popular, it's being mentioned a lot more and people are really getting into the things I make. Which is fantastic, I didn't even expect it to be popular, it was just meant to be a hobby! My other 'business', which I am yet to announce, is coming closer to existence. I'm going to put a lot of practice and play into action before making a big noise about it. I want everything to be perfect when I start it up, so there is going to be a lot of behind the scenes action going on.

Matt agreed that I can take over the spare room, I've already organised how I want everything and hopefully within the fortnight we're going to be moving everything around. I think he's agreed because our small little dinning table is starting to be consumed with all my bits and bobs. I'm also going to be rearranging the lounge room again, this will be the second time since a year ago when we moved in. In saying that, I'm eyeing off a $200 rug.. Wishful thinking!

Till next time, my geeklets.

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