Friday, November 4, 2011

anxiety attacks.. meet insomnia.

Well, on the plus, we have internet again.
Which is quite awesome really, very helpful since I am trying to put my business together.
Everything is sorted out, I'm just waiting for the money side of things to commence.

So, why the obnoxious title today?

Well in quick paragraph, Cody is sick and having a terrible time sleeping.
I'm looking after him, and in doing so I am lacking an incredible amount of sleep. Before this however, I was starting to suffer with anxiety attacks. I would get into bed, really for sleepy time when I would have this horrible and sickening sensation something was just going to grab me. I usually would just shake it off and force myself to sleep. But it was just getting worse every night, to the point where I would almost be brought to tears - not from fear, from frustration. So now that Cody is sick, I'm having, on average 4 maybe 5 hours of broken sleep. I'm totally screwed. Because of my new found nocturnal routine, I'm finding it harder and harder to fall asleep. I just lay there, trying to keep my mind blank and hopefully drift off. This usually takes about an hour, hour and a half. Then suddenly BAM the moment I actually fall asleep Cody seems to wake up needing cuddles so he can go back to sleep. So here I am, over tired and eagerly typing away on here.

Brain > Body!

Till next time, my loyal subjects.
Mel xx

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