Saturday, November 16, 2013


This is going to become a powerhouse blog post of DIY Fresh Face Masks from Lush. If you haven't tried a beauty DIY, you're missing out. So drag your inner DIY'ist out (kicking and screaming if need be) and get yourself making these masks! Not only will you be saving money, you'll be doubling the product, win-win right? Right. 

Pre-blend all the ingredients, then blend all together.

Store container in fridge, use within 2-4 weeks. 

Oatifix (dry or sensitive skin)

1 cup oatmeal

1/2 cup almonds, blended (or sub raw or brown sugar, as both exfoliate)
1 banana

TBS olive oil
TBS honey 

Optional: 2-3 drops vanilla essence

Cupcake (oily skin)

4-6 sprigs of mint
TSP Fuller's Earth (subbed instead of Rhassouls Mud)
TSP cocoa powder 
TSP cocoa butter
1/2 TSP glycerin
3-4 drops sandalwood oil

1/2 TSP honey
Rose water*

* When blending all ingredients together, add a little rose water at a time until you reach a mask-like consistency.

Cosmetic Warrior ("calms and soothes" troubled skin)

TBS kaolin clay (or sub with Fuller's Earth)
1 cup of grapes
2 cloves garlic
1 egg
1 TSP glycerin
2 TSP cornflour 
1 TSP honey 
Optional: 2-3 drops of Tea Tree Oil


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