Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Stray Cat

No title picture this time, if I wanted to I'd be posting photos of a dirty, skinny little Siamese cat sleeping belly-up in my front yard today. But alas, I haven't won his trust yet.

I noticed him a couple of months ago constantly sunning himself (assuming it's a he) in our front yard, I put it down as new neighbors and let him enjoy the sunlight. But over the last two months I've been keeping an eye on him and he's just been wasting away. I've been a little hesitant to feed him as he might be one of my neighbors cats, the last thing I want to do is to practically steal someones pet! But at this point, it's I start feeding the poor thing or it might die.

Three nights ago we just got home from the shops and seeing him in our yard I instantly took the opportunity and tore off a heap of cooked chicken for him. He wouldn't come near me (usually runs away when I get about ten steps near it) so I just put it on the ground and walked off. I came back outside 5 minutes later to find the chicken gone so I put some more down, he must have gone through at least a quarter of the chicken.

Since then I've brought a box of dry cat food and keep it topped up for him, along with a water dish. I've also been in contact with a wonderful women named Stef from Lucky Little Paws Rescue and Adoption ( who suggested getting a trap and trapping him. I'm not sure if I could do that and he seems to be more than happy to eat the food I'm putting out for him! H
e doesn't run away from me now until I get maybe five steps away then he'll just slink under a car and just watch me. I actually can't wait until it trusts me so I can brush his fur, it's so mattered!

I'm seriously hoping this will turn out for the best. 

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