Wednesday, September 14, 2011

DIY Lip Scrub

Summer is finally rearing it's searing-heated face! And if your anything like me, it's going to take toll on your lips. So I'm sharing this quick and easy DIY lip scrub to, well, scrub your nasty dry/cracked lips away.

It started the other day when I reached into the dark depths of my bathroom cupboards in search of my lip scrub only to find out that due to the fact it is food product, it's long expired. Since I've been recently chewing my lips apart due to stress (and I'm also blaming you, weather!) my lips are pretty dry and cracked. After using this little moisturizing beauty, I'm hands down swearing by it! It's been about thirty minutes since I used it and my lips still feel great, even without following up with a lip balm.

How do you get these super awesome feeling lips? Easy, all you need is three easy ingredients. Just follow this step by step (you really cant go wrong with making this).


- Get yourself some olive oil, agave nectar & pure cane sugar. In this case I used sunflower oil, honey and normal white sugar. Get a small mixing bowl and a teaspoon. I used a small plastic shot glass and one baby spoon.

- It's really simple, you just add one tsp spoon of oil and honey and two tsp spoon's of sugar (three tsp's if you wish, but two is fine). Mix it all together and done! Ended up using a chop-stick to stir it up since my boyfriend went away with said baby spoon - long story.

- Rub a decent amount onto your lips for a few minutes then rinse off. Dry lips and apply lip balm/gloss of your choice if you really want to (keeps your lips softer for longer after scrubbing).

- Ta-da! Your lips should instantly feel smoother and softer than before (also ready for kissing ^____^ ) you'll also notice that you have a lot of left over scrub, that's fine though, shove it in the fridge. Just remember that it has an expiry date! I probably wouldn't keep it for too long.

So that's it for this simple as lip scrub! I recommend it if you're short on cash or just need a quick lip fix up. I'll be posting more of these DIY's if you guy's seem interested :]

Ciao xx  

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